



发稿时间:2018-07-22 10:04:17 来源:


Guo Yukun, full-time executive president met with Egyptian Minister of Economic D epartment candidate Dr. Hammarda and his party


On October 21, 2016, Egyptian Minister of Economic Affairs candidate, evaluation expert from Central Bank, presiding judge of Economic Tribunal and Dr. Hamada, economic chairman of African Arab Federation for Promotion of International Trade visited us and Guo Yukun's full-time executive president met with guests and comprehended the basic situation. Dr. Hammarda expressed his heartfelt praise after knowing the development history of GGCC and the scale strength of the current stage. He said that economic and social development in Egypt very much needs the platform of GGCC to carry out resource integration. At this period, Development direction and key cooperation projects with the GGCC docking is very doable, the Egyptian government will formulate generous policies for Chinese investors, Guangdong General Chamber of Commerce will be the priority partner. Since then, both sides also exchanged views on cultural, economic and trade cooperation, etc., intending to sign a strategic cooperation agreement and establish a strategic cooperative partnership for cooperation.


Fu Juan, secretary of the Party branch and deputy secretary general, Lin Dongwei, minister of the Ministry of International Cooperation, and other comrades attended the meeting.